Sunday, January 22, 2012

2012: No Bullshit / GTFO of my life

2012: The year of No Bullshit. It's been a long time coming. I guess I've just realized that I have so little time and energy that I can't afford any bullshit.

I've changed a lot. Being a teacher makes you value your free time more than ever before. Especially teaching in my district, with 7 classes and almost no prep time. There is no "leaving my work at work" for me. Instead, there are 3-4 hours of work at home in addition to the actual teaching.

I don't take shit from anyone. I used to be nice. I used to be the kind of person who calmly explained that I wasn't interested to the guy with his hands on me at the bar. I used to be the kind of person who made appropriate small talk if the person next to me on the train started a conversation. I used to be the kind of person who did all those things and more, because I was calm, nice, mellow, and understanding.

No more. On many days, I am treated terribly by adolescents and adults alike. I love my job, I do, but when your days are like mine, you have no patience for bullshit.

This is a quote from a dear friend:

2012 all unnecessary people will no longer be allowed to participate in my life. So if you find yourself not hearing from me or I stop responding then most likely I have identified you as as one of these people and your services are no longer required.

So here's the deal:

  1. If I call/text/email/whatever on a couple of occasions, in an attempt to hang out with you, and you don't respond, you won't be hearing from me anymore.
  2. If you are upset with me for some reason, and choose to be passive aggressive and ignore me rather than explaining how you feel, we're done. If you don't have the maturity to be honest and open, I want nothing to do with you.
  3. If you stop being the kind of person I want in my life, you won't be a part of it. You're someone else's problem now.

Your number will be deleted from my phone, and you will be deleted from my life. I won't make a big deal out of it. In fact, I won't say anything about it at all, because guess what? You've wasted too much of my time already.

Good riddance. I'm cleaning house.

One more thing: If you are reading this, and you are worried, don't be. If I am seriously worried about our friendship, I will tell you. The people I am referring to above... I'm talking about a repeated, blatant, careless lack of respect. You do not fall into this category.

1 comment:

Teppy said...

i love you!