Sunday, January 18, 2009

Battlestar Galactica Questions: Ep. 1

Okay, so these are my predictions for Battlestar Galactica:
  • Starbuck is not a Cylon. Despite the fact that she clearly ressurected, I have another explanation. The ressurecting idea is just not limited to Cylons.
  • The humans and the skinjob Cylons are more closely intertwined than previously thought.
Now, questions:
  • If Col. Tigh, Chief Tyrol, Tory whatsherface, and Anders are Cylons, why are there not multiple copies of them?
  • How did Tigh age if he's a Cylon? Number Six stays the same. Thank God -- she's awesomely hot.
  • Have they been alive the whole time, or were they just randomly reborn however many years ago?
  • Did they age? Were they born as babies?
  • If Adama (Husker, not Apollo) said "Saul, when I met you, you had hair," then why in the flashback did he not have hair?
  • Why is Michael Trucco so hot? Why isn't he in my life?
  • Why isn't Jamie Bamber in my life as well? At least they are in my hotboxes. Or, as Rob called them, ManBoxes.
  • If the final five were reborn within the fleet, then why weren't the 250 Cylon Skinjob skeletons also reborn within the fleet? Or... were they?
  • If the Resurrection Ship is gone, then if the Cylons die, will they not be resurrected?
  • What is Kara's destiny? How will she lead them to their end? I mean, she led them to earth... that seems good, not bad.
  • Where was Athena in this episode? I missed her.
  • Where are the other Cylons?
  • Why would they make Brother Cavil a humanoid model? He's so ugly. At least the other Cylons skinjobs are hot. Even Leoben. I am strangely attracted to him.

Oh, and I totally knew Dee was going to off herself.

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