I hate taxes, bills, and the way I have to tip-toe around life for fear my financial situation will collapse even further.
I hate stretch marks, freckles, and the fact that I can no longer have 5 drinks, 2 slices of pizza, and half a bag of Sour Patch Kids with minimal consequences.
I hate being hit on by obnoxious 22 year-old guys, yet somehow, they are magnetically drawn to me. Like mosquitos.
I hate the way the dust never seems to go away completely because by the time I'm finished cleaning one part of the room, new dust has appeared in the part I cleaned five minutes ago.
I hate loans, APR, carbohydrates, and that the only consistent thing I can count on my body to do is become less efficient with age.
I hate that when things make me so angry I could punch through a window, I can't do anything about them because I'm a grown-up, and it's not okay to punish people who double park, cut you off in traffic, cut in at the last second on the Leverett Connector when you've been waiting in the long line of cars for 20 minutes, and are generally incompetent useless fools as you see fit.
I hate being a grown-up.